Friday, June 15, 2012

Olmos Birth Story

Wow, it's been a month?  At least I have some good stuff to post:)  The day I graduated from BYU my friend Rachelle went into labor.  She texted me at about 6:30 the morning I was to walk across the stage to receive my diploma at 8:00 AM.  I was so paranoid she would have the baby while I was sitting on that stage.  Needless to say, I had ants in my pants and sweating bullets the entire morning.

Luckily, little Howie held off till I could officially graduate and arrive to the hospital, but barely.  He was born a mere 15 minutes after I walked into the doors of the hospital!
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Birth stories are my absolute favorite to photograph.  There is something amazing being able to witness a tiny baby being born.  And Howie's entrance was no exception.