Friday, May 22, 2009


Not sure if that´s even a word in Spanish, but we all know what I´m talking about. On to the pictures:

Geovanny (has cerebral paulsy so he can´t speak and needs to use a walker to walk...he has a slight mental delay, but is still incredibly smart. He loves to write people´s names and birthdays in a book and he loves drawing calendars. He is currently writing my calendar for me in my journal:)...he also really likes to play dominoes so Andrew and I play those with him all of the time...he usually wins too!:)) and Walther (he is a complete ham and hilarious. He loves to call me mamita and Andrew amor. Haha! One time he called Andrew ¨amor¨and since we all thought it was funny, he continues to call Andrew that. Walther is pretty loud too, but very friendly and loves to have fun. One night, as Andrew and I were walking past the boys´ dormitory toward our casita, I could hear Walther talking. I yelled out ¨Good night, Walther!¨and he responded ¨Good night, amor!¨ (since he knew Andrew was with me) and just giggled. Haha:) I love it!)
Maritza (Maritza is 13 and in a wheelchair. She has no mental disability so she attends school every afternoon in the city. She is reaally loving and I get to help her with her homework in the mornings. She is really funny and loves to talk!! Everything is ¨chivo¨(which means ¨cool¨) to her. I love this girl!) and Imelda (she is best friends with Ana del Carmen who is in a wheel chair. Ana del Carmen is hilarious and together the two are so cute. They are best buds, through and through. Imelda LOOOVEES Andrew. When she sees us she yells ¨Papi!!! Venga!!¨and makes Andrew go to her and give her a bigggg hug. And she likes to get him in a really tight hug and twist him around. haha:))
Karen (Karen is so sweet and also VERY quiet. She likes just hanging out and ¨people watching. She is super sweet and very girly. I think deep down she has a wild side because she looves hanging out with Walther and other ¨crazier¨ kids) and Imelia (Imelia is a special case. She witnessed the killings of her family when she was in her early teens and wasn´t able to deal with it emotionally and mentally so she was sent to the Hogar. She was born without any disability. She likes to walk around giggling and give SUPER TIGHT hugs! I´m talking rib-breaking hugs. She loves the workers and loves to hold my hand walking around the hogar.)
Maritza again...I just like this happy picture of her:) cute and candid
The sweet little blind lady, Blanca...she is very quiet and likes to sit under the tree all day. Every once in a while she´ll stand up and dance to the music, like in this picture. She is SOO sweet. I love talking to her:)
Xiomara, the most darling 16 year old girl. She LOVES to give hugs and is just like any girly 6-10 year old. She is cute:)
Matias...I love the way he colors. It is always VERY colorful. He always says ¨Como se llama usted?¨over and over...not sure why, but even though he knows our names he´ll just ask the same question over and over and giggle:). I´ve heard him say just a few other things to me...¨verde¨¨,¨hola mami¨ (but I SWEAR one time he said ¨hola molly¨...I could be wrong). That´s about it. He´s really sweet though.

There you go...I´ll be using the portrait pictures for my project, hopefully. Not sure what I want to call the project...I´m trying to think of something DEEP and insightful. Too bad I´m not a very deep or insightful person:) Haha